Our experienced management and professional teams are key to our continued success. The extensive industry knowledge and diverse expertise of our management team bring strong leadership and professionalism to the Group, building the stature and credibility of our brands in the premium and niche property arena.
Executive Directors
- Dr. CHENG Wai Chee, Christopher GBS OBE JP (Chairman)
- Mr. CHENG Wai Sun, Edward GBS JP (Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive)
- Mr. CHENG Man Piu, Francis
- Mr. CHOW Wai Wai, John
- Mr. NG Kar Wai, Kenneth
Non-Executive Directors
- Mr. KWOK Ping Luen, Raymond JP
(Mr. KWOK Ho Lai, Edward as his alternate) - Mr. HONG Pak Cheung, William
- Mrs. CHEN CHOU Mei Mei, Vivien
Independent Non-Executive Directors
- Mr. Simon MURRAY CBE
- Mr. YEUNG Kit Shing, Jackson
- Mr. Haider Hatam Tyebjee BARMA GBS CBE ISO JP
- Mr. LAM Kin Fung, Jeffrey GBM GBS JP
- Mr. NG Tak Wai, Frederick
Senior Management
- Ms. FUNG Ching Man, Janet – Chief Financial Officer
- Mr. CHUNG Siu Wah, Henry – Company Secretary & Group Legal Counsel
- Mrs. LI KAN Fung Ling, Karen – Director, Corporate Development; Executive Director, Lanson Place
- Mr. Michael Hamilton HOBSON - Chief Executive Officer, Lanson Place
Directors and Senior Management Profiles (set out in 2023 annual report)